Picking up from the success of Haida's Nanopro line of filters, the filter company's latest line of Red Diamond filters promises all the previous advantages of the Nanopro filters, in addition to being up to twice as strong as conventional glass filters.
What I really, really like about the red diamond and the Nano Pro MC filters and do not want to miss anymore is how durable and easy to clean the multi coated filters are.
New Red Diamond Series Part 2 --clear night filter and moreOffer: Kai HornungPolarizerA polarizing filter is a basic filter you should include in your arsenal. What it does is reducing glare, for examp
Photo editing software keeps improving and I gladly use it to my advantage in post processing my images. One thing remains unchanged though: you cannot have a great image if you don’t get it right in camera.
This year's Carnival special guest Gu Yiming, Haida signed photographer Cao Jiyun and Haida filter Suzhou designated dealer - Kang Jie photographic equipment.
For the past 3 years I've used Lee Filter's 100mm system on my lenses.