Ambassadors & Co-photographers

Mhd Uzhe

Haida Co-Photographer


About Mhd

Mhd Uzhe, 27 years old. Born, raised and lives in Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Mhd Uzhe currently works as a staff in one of the offices managed by the Ministry of Public Works and Housing. Mhd Uzhe started his interest in photography since 2016, using one of Nikon's digital cameras. Practicing photography by self-taught and sometimes learning online. Mhd Uzhe has a special interest in landscape photography. According to him, landscape captures the beauty of Nature, draws closer to Nature and can also be a form of appreciation for God's creation. Mhd Uzhe has participated in several photography championships within and outside the city. Together with his work, Mhd Uzhe is now also elected as one of the Haida Ambassadors.

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