Sony’s newly announced 24.2-megapixel a6400 APS-C mirrorless camera may not be targeted at pros photographers and filmmakers, but it’s capturing the attention of many, particularly vloggers and others who want to shoot lots of video.
The Top three winners of Haida 2018 Christmas Photo Contest
We will in the 5th Hall, C49 Booth. 10th-12th January 2019
PetaPixel recently published an open letter from photographer Usman Dawood entitled: “Dear Camera Companies: Please Make a Fast Lens Between 50mm and 85m.” Today, I am asking for the pretty much the opposite: slower, lighter prime lenses.
The company developing not one but two full-frame mirrorless cameras, plus new lenses and a new service and support program
Nikon full-frame no-reverse will be officially released around August 23 According to Sydney Kangxin No., it will be named Z6 (24 million pixels) and Z7 (45 million pixels).